sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Neočekivani posjet

Nakon što je pušten u 1990, Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) dolazi na mjesto predsjednika svoje zemlje i odlučeno ukidanje "Apartheid". Njegov je cilj bio voditi politiku pomirenja između crne i bijele većine manjine. Godine 1995, slavlje u Južnoj Africi ragbi Svjetskog kupa bio je instrument koristi crni vođa za izgradnju nacionalnog jedinstva.

jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

This country has always been a sacred place for art and good taste of living, as a chilean  artist..i'm happy to be in this team of critics and performerss

thanks a lot
Juan carlos

u potrazi za pravi

Glumci Gang na Ivy kolodvor traje skrenuti na Thornton Wildera i dobitnik Pulitzerove nagrade drame s prekrasnim set, malo gimnastike i iste rezonantne poruku da je zarobljen publika već godinama.
Ovaj srca igra o običnim ljudi ("Gdje god dođete u blizini ljudskog roda, postoji slojeva gluposti.") Posebno je bolan u ovim vremenima težak. Priča, rekao Stage Manager, okružuje mladu ženu koja je dopušteno da proživljava jedan poseban dan u životu. Na kraju, ona pita: "Zar je itko ikada shvatiti život, dok su ga živjeti?" Groblje scena fantastičnom i učvršćuje da je to mali trenutke u životu da bi nas povezani.

sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

svaki dan više

Cinema today

nagrade 360 !Najbolji strani kratki film (najbolji strani kratki film) - Mediteran Film Festival Split, Hrvatska (Hrvatska)

Do not forget Bukovac

Bukovac was born Biagio Faggioni in the town of Cavtat south of Dubrovnik in Dalmatia. As a son born to a family of mixed Croatian and Italian ancestry, his father was an Italian Croat from Genoa, while his mother was of explicitly Croatian descent.[1]
Bukovac received his artistic education in Paris where he was sent by the patron (Knez) Medo Pucić. His small studies and sketches delighted his professor, the well-known Alexandre Cabanel, and Bukovac became a student at the prestigious École des Beaux-Arts. He painted in the spirit of embellished, "sweetened" realism and achieved great success at the Salons, at that time the place of the greatest review of works related to the arts. By following the artistic fashion of the public, he imbued it predominantly with his themes. Temporary destinations during his sojourn in France were England and the warm coast of Dalmatia where he was born. Otherwise, he was open to the world, including voyages to the Black Sea, as well as South (Chile and Peru) and North America.

[edit] Artistic power

Besides being an artist who followed the established canons dictated by the Salon and the general public, there was another Bukovac who followed his own inner impulses of artistic creation. Liberated artistic expression, which was called Impressionism, developed in the spirit of the artists who kept gathering in modernism-oriented marginal galleries in Paris in the 1870s. He knew the spirit of academism and, on the other hand, he felt the spirit of Impressionistic freedom. Having accepted modern principles, Bukovac painted casual pictures, using liberated strokes of the brush, in the pointillist technique.

[edit] Zagreb

Bukovac became a significant representative of fine arts in Zagreb, Croatia from 1893 to 1897, bringing with him the spirit of French art. These new directives are most evident in his landscapes. He then began using a palette of lively and lighter colors using liberated strokes, soft rendering and the introduction of light on the painting canvas. With the time spent in Zagreb, he became the leader of all important cultural and artistic events. He founded the Zagreb multicoloured school, helped initiate the construction of the Art Pavilion, and organized the first artistic exhibition in the Academy Palace in 1893. Due to conflict with Izidor Kršnjavi and his great sensitivity, he withdrew to his native Cavtat where he stayed from 1898 to 1902. Upon his return to Prague he was appointed associate professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 1903.

[edit] Pedagogy

His departure from Prague resulted in a complete change of personality for Bukovac. He felt satisfaction and enthusiasm in Zagreb that he had not felt in a while, and began to dedicate all of his energy to his new students, one of which was noted Croatian painter Mirko Rački. It was in this time he introduced pointillism to the Prague Academy, and earned his historical reputation as an excellent pedagogue. His most famous painting is the curtain in the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, "Croatian national revival".
Vlaho Bukovac died in Prague.

artist you won't forget

Severina se narodila 21. dubna 1972 ve Splitu. S hudební kariérou začala již v 10 letech, své debutové album nahrála v 17 letech. Na začátku své kariéry uspěla v soutěži chorvatských mladých talentů Demo X. Vystudovala střední hudební školu. Od roku 1991 se věnuje kariéře sólové zpěvačky. Postupně se mezi zařadila mezi nejúspěšnější pop zpěvačky v Chorvatsku (též ovšem i v některých dalších zemích bývalé Jugoslávie, populární hlavně mezi mladšími posluchači. Bývá považována za významnou představitelku balkánského hudebního žánru turbo-folk. Celkem vydala 12 alb.
Její mezinárodní „kariéra“ je spojená s účastí v domácím erotickém videu, na kterém je zachycena při divokém sexuálním styku s vlivným chorvatským podnikatelem Milanem Lučicem. Toto video způsobilo šok v široké chorvatské veřejnosti. Do té doby se prezentovala jako symbol spořádané a ideální ženy s křesťanskými kořeny. Pro skandální video bývá označována jako „chorvatská Paris Hilton“. Navzdory skandálu její popularita vzrostla a postupně pronikla i do zahraničí. Dnes je považována za chorvatský sex symbol. V roce 2006 se zúčastnila se písničkové soutěže Velká cena Eurovize s písní Moja stikla.